1Does Tree City Creative Learning offer tailored support?
We offer personalized support tailored to each child's unique needs and learning style. Whether it's through individualized instruction, small group activities, or one-on-one mentoring, we ensure that every child receives the assistance they need to succeed.
2My child has difficulty socializing.. How can you help?
We prioritize the social-emotional development of children, providing opportunities for positive peer interactions, emotional expression, and skill-building in areas such as empathy, communication, and resilience.
3Does your program help older chiildren?
Our curriculum is designed to be engaging, relevant, and accessible to all learners. Through hands-on activities, interactive projects, and real-world applications, we inspire curiosity, foster creativity, and promote active learning.
4My child is ASD, can autistic children join?
For children with autism, Tree City Creative Learning provides specialized support and resources to ensure their success and well-being. We recognize that every child with autism is unique, so we tailor our support and interventions to meet each child's specific needs, strengths, and interests. Our team works closely with parents, educators, and therapists to develop individualized plans that address academic, social, and emotional goals.
5My child has a mobility impairment, will this be a issue?
At Tree City Creative Learning, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing and inclusive environment where children of all abilities, including those with disabilities or handicaps, can thrive. We understand the unique challenges and needs that children with disabilities may face, and we are committed to offering personalized support and accommodations to ensure their success. From adaptive materials and equipment to individualized plans and compassionate guidance, we work closely with families, educators, and therapists to create a supportive and empowering experience for every child. Our goal is to foster a sense of belonging, self-confidence, and achievement in all children, helping them to discover their strengths, pursue their passions, and reach their full potential.
6Do you offer one-on-one sessions?
At Tree City Creative Learning, we provide personalized support and interventions tailored to the needs of each child. While we don't offer traditional one-on-one therapy sessions in the clinical sense, our programs incorporate individualized attention and targeted interventions to address academic, social, and emotional goals. Our highly trained staff work closely with children in small groups or individually within a supportive and inclusive environment. Whether it's through academic tutoring, social skills development, or emotional support, we are dedicated to meeting the unique needs of every child and helping them achieve their fullest potential.

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Curriculum Materials

We offer printable worksheets, activity sheets, and learning materials that can be used both in the classroom and at home to reinforce key concepts and skills. Download a sample today.

Parent Resources

We offer many resources and support for parents to help them support their child's learning and development at home, including tips, strategies, and activity ideas.

Hands-on Learning Kits

We provide hands-on learning kits containing materials such as manipulatives, experiment supplies, and art supplies to facilitate experiential learning in science, math, art, and more. Download our detailed pamphlet for more information.