Tree City Creative Learning tools inspire natural curiosity and encourage learning through play.


Hands-on Exploration

Tree City Creative Learning tools provide opportunities for hands-on exploration, allowing students to engage directly with materials and concepts in a playful and interactive manner.

Open-Ended Activities

By offering open-ended activities, our tools encourage students to explore, experiment, and create without limitations, fostering creativity and innovation.

Real-World Relevance

Our tools connect learning to real-world contexts and experiences, making abstract concepts more tangible and meaningful to students.

Joyful Learning

Through play-based activities and experiences, Tree City Creative Learning tools create a joyful and engaging learning environment that inspires curiosity and a love for learning.

Tree City Creative Learning excites students

Tree City Creative Learning uses LEGO® Therapy

Lego therapy, often used in educational and therapeutic settings, offers a range of benefits for individuals, particularly children, with diverse needs. Through collaborative building activities, participants develop crucial social skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. The structured nature of Lego therapy provides a supportive environment for individuals to express themselves creatively and develop confidence in their abilities. Additionally, the tactile nature of working with Lego bricks can be soothing and engaging, making it an effective tool for reducing stress and anxiety. Overall, Lego therapy not only fosters social interaction and cognitive development but also promotes emotional well-being and a sense of accomplishment.

Equipping your child with Future-Ready Skills

Augmented Reality Therapy to interact with Legos

Tree City Creative Learning's use of Lego AR therapy is a dynamic and effective approach to supporting children's development and well-being. By combining the tactile nature of Lego bricks with the immersive technology of augmented reality, this innovative therapy modality offers engaging, personalized, and impactful experiences that empower children to thrive and reach their full potential.

Overall, Tree City Creative Learning's Lego AR therapy program offers a cutting-edge approach to therapy that combines the benefits of augmented reality technology with the evidence-based practices of Lego therapy. By providing interactive, personalized, and collaborative therapeutic experiences, this program empowers children to develop essential skills and achieve their therapeutic goals.

Hands-on playful learning solutions featuring the familiar LEGO® bricks that inspire all types of students to become active learners.

Tree City Creative Learning solutions designed to empower your students, build deeper understanding and engagement, and ignite a life-long love of learning.

Engaging, standards-aligned lessons that are easy to get started, with the scalability to meet all learners where they are..
Meaningful learning, extraordinary engagement, and the resources and support to ensure success.
Our solutions are backed by a commitment to sustainability, safety, and quality

Now is the time to address challenges exposed by the pandemic, while creating more accessible and engaging learning environments that naturally weave in life skills.

• Integrating purposeful play into education develops critical-thinking and social skills needed for real life
• Self-direction gives students the confidence to learn in any environment
• Making learning fun encourages students to pursue knowledge throughout their lives

A great start is by integrating purposeful play into curriculums, to deepen conceptual learning and hone 21st century skills.

Digital Literacy and Technology Integration: In today's digital age, digital literacy and technology skills are essential for success. Our curriculum incorporates technology tools and resources to enhance learning experiences and develop students' digital literacy skills. From coding and robotics to multimedia production and online collaboration, students learn to use technology effectively and responsibly to create, communicate, and collaborate in a digital world.

Tree City Creative Learning system is scalable learning system based on the familiar LEGO brick that is intuitive, inclusive, and adaptable. Learn how it’s transforming the way kids learn.

Tree City Creative Learning's approach brings abstract concepts to life, making them tangible and accessible to students of all ages. By utilizing hands-on activities, interactive projects, and real-world applications, we enable students to transition from simple explorations to tackling increasingly complex challenges as they advance through different grades. This progression ensures that students develop a deep understanding of abstract concepts and their practical applications, laying a strong foundation for future learning and success.

Future-Proofs Students with STEAM and 21st Century Skills.

Enhanced Adaptability: Equipping students with STEAM and 21st-century skills prepares them to adapt to rapidly changing technological and societal landscapes, fostering resilience and agility in navigating future challenges.

Increased Innovation: By fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities, students are empowered to drive innovation and contribute to solving complex problems in their communities and beyond.

Improved Career Readiness: STEAM and 21st-century skills are highly sought-after by employers in a wide range of industries. By developing these skills, students are better positioned for success in the workforce, with greater opportunities for career advancement and fulfillment.